Websites that might help

Axel is a 15 years old Cuban kid. He just arrived to the United States 25 dias ago; and started school on wednesday last week. He came with all his family to the United States because of political problems in his country. He likes soccer; he speaks Spanish and knows just a little of English; he knows some vocabulary and basic structures to introduce himself or ask permission to go to the bathroom, he can spell words and count in English, but he can't understand when someone talks to him.
This is very difficult because all the kids in the classroom already know some English. They have been at least one or two months in the school and can communicate well in English. So the teacher just does her regular class, and Axel is given the same instructions, the same guides and the same tests, but the problem is that he doesn't understand anything.
Now, the teacher is teaching an unit about food, shapes and colors. Axel is willing and eager to learn; I've seen his progress since he first arrived. The first day he was very quiet and just talked with us in Spanish (no English at all). But know, when he arrives the classroom in the mornings he seems more comfortable and he can say good morning to the teacher, but he can't yet understand much English and he is always lost in classes.
First of all, I think he should move from where he seats, so that he can relate the written words with its pronunciation and learn more, because he sits at the back and can't see well the board. I think he really needs to understand spoken English, to interact in classes and to know what is going on, so that he doesn't depend on others to translate things.
It is difficult to know where to start, as he knows just very basic things and the other students are more advanced than him. I think that he first needs to acquire some vocabulary.
He should learn by games. Here are some websites
He should learn by games. Here are some websites
Fruits (with audio):
These sites can be helpful not only for Axel but also for the other kids in the class. Here he can increase his vocabulary and reinforce the things learned, so that he can participate in classes.
Other websites for Axel to learn English:
As Axel likes soccer, I think that learning some vocabulary and expressions about it would be useful, since it is something that he likes. Besides he can start relating with the other kids by having a topic of conversation in common, because many of the kids in the classroom love soccer as well.
Finally, I think that at first, it would be good that he uses these pages every day, for at least 30 minutes (he can use them more if he needs it), he can listen or read the information the times he needs and challenge himself to understand the main ideas. So that he can build his vocabulary day by day, understand and participate a little more in classes and doesn't feel frustrated.
What a good idea to mix a favored topic (soccer) with matching games. There are many language and content games online--many to choose from. I would suggest watching students carefully to see what they respond to or seem to refrain from.
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